Thursday, June 25, 2009

love of my life.

i couldn't resist posting this photo that ashley took of francesca and i at renegade a few weeks ago. it just makes me so happy! especially since she is moving far away from me come the end of the summer - this photo will be the perfect one to look at when i'm missing her! aww shucks.


anabela / fieldguided said...

Awwww! So much love!

the snail and the cyclops said...

Sooooo much love is right! Lets take like 5 zillion more of these soon!!

"hi, i'm ginnybranch stelling and i love love." said...

wait, where is she moving!

can i be totally selfish and hope it's new york!

Marcine Miller said...

aw, you guys are the cutest!

renee anne said...


I just wanted to say that I just watched your sweet little video from etsy and it was very impressed indeed.

Maybe it is creepy but I love getting a snippet of peoples homes and especially they space the work.

I am a huge fan of your etsy shop, and I love that you are not only super talented in the regard, but you also have an amazing eye for finding and placing"old junk".

Take care!


Unknown said...

friendship is a sweet thing!