Came upon
Quoddy boots a number of years ago while at the
Common Ground fair in Maine. While at the fair they traced my feet and I had a pair of
Grizzly Boots made to fit just right. They're going on 3+ years now and still holding strong. Luckily they cost a fraction of what they do now .. but I wouldn't hesitate to get another pair - so durable and comfortable and warm. They're most definitely my chosen footwear this time of year.
Hmm how many blog posts can I do about brown leather boots? I'm sure there will be more to come ...
UGH! Just last night I was tearing my house apart to find a missing quoddy moc. Devastating.
I love your boot posts.
wow those are amazing.if i wasn't trying to save every last cent right now...
hope your friend liked the flowers!
you had me at Quoddys. I have two pairs and I live-love in them.
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