Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Group of miners living & working in cabins outside of Esther mine.. very early 1900's in Ptarmigan Park, Washington state.. came across these photos while looking for cabin inspiration.


J.Hock said...

I've been trying to get my buddies to go in on some land in Maine to build a cabin but nobody has bit yet. This is my inspiration: www.aloneinthewilderness.com

They show the documentary on PBS all the time.


forest bound said...

Where in Maine are you looking? I've been looking at land in Maine a bit .. mostly just to torture myself and see how much less land costs there compared to VT!

I've had that documentary recommended to me before but have never got around to watching it .. but now I most definitely will. Thank you!

J.Hock said...

I have been dreaming thus far because my brother and I just bought a house in the backwoods of Boston. But I would love somewhere near Portland. VT would be preferable but ME is so inexpensive.

10 acres with a stream or a pond would do quite nicely. It'll happen someday.

There are a few copies of that documentary in its entirety on youtube if you search for it. It's right up your alley. Everything in and around his cabin is handmade.

forest bound said...

Ha that's too funny! My brother & I have been talking about buying a house in either Somerville or Jamaica Plain. I'm routing for Jamaica Plain.

And yes 10 acres with a stream or pond .. exactly what I am searching for. I've found some pretty reasonable stuff in VT .. if you are interested I can send along! Just send me an email .. Alice@Forestbound.com

Derek Nobbs said...

These are fantastic!