Monday, January 23, 2012


Had a couple nice finds this weekend while on a quick trip to NH.
Favorite of the bunch was this Vietnam era USN G-1 flight jacket in great condition.

Also .. if you follow me on Twitter or Instagram I'm sure you've seen me talk kind of non-stop about my new juicer and how incredible it is. Well, it's true. I hemmed & hawed for years about getting one and finally took the plunge. It's increased my quality of life by a million. Here's some orange/grapefruit/apple/ginger juice I made the other day when I felt a cold coming on.

Francesca just did a blog post where a few great ladies talk about something nice that helps get them through winter. Of course I ramble on about juicing. But take a look at the post here.


Sara said...

Vitamix: mung bean sprouts, ginger, lemon, lime,daikon radish, fennel, apple, spinach, parsley, dandelion greens, bit of water

mung bean sprouts, rosemary or basil, celeriac, red radish, pear, collards, arugala, swiss chard, bit of water

slurp. consistency of apple sauce.

caitlinketuri said...

ooh! my roommate got a juicer for christmas and my boyfriend and i are taking full advantage of it. they're wonderful! i think 2012 is the year of the juicer. a lot of people i know have gotten them.

dianne tanner / dark times said...

This jacket is incredible. INCREDIBLE. I've wanted a juicer for ages. I might get one.