the most recent issue of
selvedge magazine has a real nice article about one of my favorite artists,
j morgan puett, and the artists' colony that she has established in rural pennsylvania. these images are from various rooms and structres found in the colony.
over 10 years ago j morgan puett was a fashion designer living in new york but decided to quit that life and build her rural artists colony -- she took all of the remaining clothing that she had designed and petrified them in beeswax. so amazing.
I have spent many hours just staring at Puett's website... amazing! Wish I could just step into her rooms (all of them) and spent days!
Ooh ok I remember seeing photos of the petrified clothing and thinking 'umm, i don't get it," but now I do and, yes, that is SO COOL.
Oh how I love the tiny bits of her life that are offered to the world... Walter and I are building a workshoppe in our backyard and want it to look similar... I cannotcannot wait to begin...
...WAY COOL vision...way cool...
this is my dream home... literally! i'm going to go for a tour in the spring!
This is almost too amazing for words, but it takes a lot for me to shut up. So...this is just pure magic. I want to move there! Thanks for sharing this with us. If you ever start an artist's colony, you can put my name on the list. haha
Have a wonderful first week of the new year!
Natalie xx
(aka The Wandering Writer)
colony life here i come!!
I think I first saw J.Morgan's work back in 1996, or some such archaic time. Her chicken coop house was featured in Elle Decor UK, I tore out the pages and stuck them on my wall, couldn't stop staring at them. And I still have them! She's one of my heroes.
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