Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Find myself in something similar to this almost every day come colder weather. My denim and chambray shirt collection is getting a little out of hand.. was tempted by this earlier in the week but successfully resisted.

Looking forward to things to come this week - stocking up on striped liner fabric, seeing Bowerbirds with Liane, more boxing classes with this amazing dude (can't get enough), a friend's wedding, eating the first sweet potatoes of the season.

Oh and my favorite person in the world has a birthday today - Happy Birthday Dad!


  1. i've been all over nick's shirts with black jeans since it's been cooler. we've been dressing similar! brown boots, army type bag. weeeeeeird.

  2. are those RL purple label sunglasses? Tried 'em on over the weekend...I can't justify the price tag!

  3. Don't own those exact glasses.. or the boots.. or the jacket.. just ones that look very similar! I think the glasses up there are Steven Alan? Sunglasses are a new thing to me and it kind of blows my mind how $$$ they can get! I had no idea!
