Came upon this jacket while out with
Francesca digging around at a crummy little indoor flea market in central MA. Both of us pretty much stopped in our tracks when we saw it ! I wish we had been able to unearth more details about its past .. but all we gathered is that the jacket is made by Harding Uniform & Regalia Co. and is most likely from the early 1930's .. the detailing seems to be hand done by someone intending for it to look Native American.
So not only is this jacket the perfect color with beautiful details .. it's small enough to fit! And that never happens with jackets like this. Plus my best friend was right there, equally as excited to find it .. made for such a nice Saturday afternoon!
My heart stops when I think about that jacket.
I can't wait to go to flea markets with you wearing this!
gasp! nice one!!
I would cat call this post if I could do something like that through the internet.
that's an amazing find. never seen anything like it! congrats.
Hi there miss,
This is amazing! I'm actually leaning in the direction of this being a masonic costume of some sort. Looks like Harding uniform made everything from aprons to dress uniform for masons as early as 1923 at least. Also the diamond & button pattern I have seen before on a masonic quilt. My grams tells me they're meant to represent the all seeing eye. I've never seen a coat like this though. thanks for sharing.
wow! what a beautiful find!
JH - Thank you so much for your thoughts! I was thinking about it potentially being Masonic when I was doing a bit of research on the Harding Co .. but when I bought the jacket there was a tag attached saying something about it being Native American .. so I went with that .. but who knows if it's actually correct. Wish I could find out more!
yeah this is pretty much the best jacket of all time ever.
FB- It'd be super amazing if this was once a masonic item that was at some point displaced as a weird native american film prop or something.haha. The "Braves Yell" has me totally dreaming it. Anyway, I'm truly jealous, it's an amazing find.
How beautiful that uniqueness is. Someone has gone to so much tender effort, I hope it gets preserved well.
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