My two brothers and I are running a marathon in the spring to raise money & awareness for the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFD). AFD is a non-profit organization committed to promoting research into these debilitating neurodegenerative diseases. AFD also educates about frontotemporal lobe dementias and provides support for those affected and their families.
We've decided to raise money for the AFD because our Dad, Arpiar G Saunders, has been diagnosed with a semantic dementia. Semantic dementia is a specific type of frontotemporal lobe dementia which attacks the brain circuits underlying speech. In addition to interfering with communication, semantic dementia can also cause other pathological changes in behavior.
So, if you are considering donating money to a charity this holiday season we would love to have your support! Any amount you are able to donate would be truly appreciated by & family and I.
Our fundraising page can be found HERE.
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